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I firmly believe in the saying “as long as you live, you learn; and as long as you learn, you live” (John Milton Gregory).  For good teachers, the greatest threat is complacency—failure to constantly ask “how can I improve and adapt to the perpetual changing environment? 

Therefore, I constantly strive to keep growing and changing to become a more effective teacher. I am not the perfect teacher, but I do have the capacity to improve my performance.  If I am going to help my students learn (i.e. change), I must be willing to change first.  Accordingly, I constantly equip and sharpen my teaching skills by attending a wide range of local and international seminars and conferences.

I read books and articles to help become an effective teacher. In the meantime, subject expertise was continuously updated by keeping abreast with local and international practices/ developments, and by reading relevant journals and books.

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